The Numbers in the Winter Wonderland

Our 4 year old EBI children have written their first children's book. How is that possible?

The Story behind the Story

After our Winter Show in December 2021, we took all of our stage decorations back to school and some of them ended up on display in our Green Ducks classroom.

In January we had some wonderful snow days and our EBI garden turned into a real Winter Wonderland overnight. Inspired by this, we added snowflakes to our classroom display, as well as a mud road, a snowman and last but not least, our numbers.

The numbers got mixed up from time to time and the children were so eager to sort them over and over again. Then the numbers started to disappear overnight. Here the magic happened: a perfect scenario for a story! We wrote down all the explanations that the children came up with.  What happens overnight to the numbers?

With the help of a graphic designer, the children created the book page-by-page, choosing sizes, shapes, colours and then adding their comments.

Finally,  we edited the story...and here it is😀

The Numbers in Winter Wonderland
by EBI Green Duck Children May 2022

PS: Listen to your children, their fantasy worlds are endless... and the next story is just there!

By Regina Kruse-Özcelik
Early Birds Istanbul