EBI is Everywhere
The clay building concept pioneered in the EBI Nest has made its way to a private garden in Istanbul. How did this happen?
Spurred on by the clay building projects in the EBI kindergarten, a small group of children wanted to replicate our efforts and create their own clay house in their private garden. On a sunny October day, planning got underway with the selection of the site and a list of required materials, including; a wooden platform, straw, clay soil, water, wooden moulds, and a 4m² large, strong tarpaulin. A few days later everything was ready - and even friends and parents had rolled up their trouser legs and were ready to work.
The clay-straw mush was quickly stamped into existence and filled into the wooden bricks moulds - thanks to the many hard-working feet! Once they had dried, the mud bricks were carefully stacked onto the limestone foundation wall. In just 2 days the wall was high enough to begin roof construction. A few wooden slats and a tarpaulin were quickly assembled and placed on the dried wall. A rain test with a garden hose was carried out and thankfully the construction passed! The earth-building project was given the seal of approval and graded "rainproof".
An inauguration party was a must! The mud house was officially opened with homemade lemonade and cake, and the whole process has since spawned a homemade film and accompanying book, named "A Mud House In Our Garden and "The Making of an Adobe House" respectively. The house is now an integral part of the garden and offers the children a safe place to play and retreat from wind and weather.
By the way: dismantling a clay house only takes a few hours! Lift off the roof, pour water over the clay bricks and the house falls apart into its organic components. Straight back to the earth, where it all came from. The softened clay leftovers can be used again, to build a new house or a sculpture.
Maybe there is also a place for a mud house in your garden?
By Regina Kruse-Özcelik
Early Birds Istanbul Founder